Friday, October 1, 2010

Five Hours and a drinking game

Gah, I wait until the last minute when I have NO TIME AT ALL and come up with a great idea to set up a General Conference drinking game.

Even though I don't drink much.

But Conference--I mean shit. Doesn't it make you want to?

Anyway, go crazy in the comments with suggestions. So far I have this:

Take a shot wheeeen:

You yell at the TV screen
You roll your eyes
"Heavenly Father"

Take a chug when:

A woman gets up to speak
She talks about motherhood.

If it's Julie Beck speaking, just down the whole bottle.

But seriously, I'm beat. Five hours of sleep last night and I'm two chapters behind in Biology and I've a 5 chapter test coming up AND two quizzes to take. Make that three.


Maybe I shouldn't blog. But I gotta take a break here and there.

Have I mentioned my house is a hole? No, really.

Debilitating sinus infections/strep throat are awful. The kids are fine, but that almost makes it harder. Maybe. Probably not. I'd rather be fine and the kids be si--wait. That doesn't sound good.

I mean, we should all be healthy! Cough.

Watch. They'll come down hard next Tuesday night. Because my test is on Wednesday.

I'm missing a lab next week. Dern it.

It's a good thing that, no matter how I might resist, I always end up making friends with my professors.

Never a bad thing when your prof likes you. Not like likes you, but y'know. Knows your name. Remembers you have kids. You ask him questions he doesn't know the answers to. You're not a stupid 18 year old kid who doesn't give a shit. Profs tend to like that sort of thing.

Though I'm sure if he like likes you good grades would be easier to come by. If you're that kinda girl.

I'm not.

But anyway.


  1. I'll be shit-faced before the first session ends...

  2. God, I wish I could get drunk this weekend, Lisa. I have family to deal with for 4 straight days.


  3. I'm pretty sure I'll avoid most familial stuff about Conference. At least for now. Something might pop up later, who knows. Maybe Jeff Holland will go on another ridiculous rant. Or they'll say that we shouldn't wear the color black because it's "satan's color" and gives him too much power when we flash his colors.

    Anyway. It's all over facebook anyways. Makes me want to make a comment of my own about it. But I'm too nice for that. Right now, at least. I had my rant the other day about the suicides going on.
