Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Tis the *(#*@! season

Made me think of this Salon article. Salon! I dunno how I feel about the billboard because I really hate all these fucking billboards whatever religious/irreligious POV they preach, but good grief.


  1. Ha! That's the first time I've seen the word "reason" linked to the Christmas season. Nice theory though.

  2. Eh. I don't like Christians badgering me about not telling them "Merry Christmas" (HI MOM), but I also don't like atheists who feel the need to inform all religious people that they believe in lies.

    I really just wish the stupid winter holiday culture wars would facking END.

  3. Wow. That comic is right on. I also loved the billboard. I don't think religious people often pair their own stories with the word myth. Myth is reserved for Greek and Roman deity. It might cause them to think...

  4. I'm conflicted.

    On the one hand--THANK YOU AA. I get so sick and tired of Christian messages dotted throughout my city and along my road trips and otherwise that go unchallenged (it's not government sponsored) that it's nice to see someone say "well, we can do that too."

    But I agree with those who say "This won't work and doesn't do much for our cause."

    Yet sitting back quietly won't do anything for the cause, either.

    One of the given rationale for this billboard is to help other atheists know they're not alone. That's huge, because truly, one must be a Christian believer of whatever caliber just to get themselves in the door of so many things (friendships, jobs, political office).

    On the other hand, snark doesn't really help either. One can get the message across without being an ass about it: atheists celebrate Christmas too--and you know what? It's not all that Christian anyway. It's another example of a group of people who fit their beliefs to a set of facts and/or find the facts to fit to their set of beliefs. It's a merging of ideas and ideologies. Hardly exclusive and an example of compromise.

    I'm all for awareness and even promotion of AA, but I don't know if I'm down with this kind of snark. Doesn't seem productive to me--but I'm unsure as well if they want it to be. Which I find a problem with as well--do we really, really need to add fuel to this annoying fire?

    That said, Kiley, you make a good point. The word "myth" is not immediately thought of as applicable to modern religions.
